Eighth edition the Leadership School

8th edition the Leadership School

This project was attended by 104 participants who met recruitment requirements, including higher education, proficiency in English, social and professional involvement and passion.

They underwent a two-stage recruitment process, including three individuals delegated by one of the sponsors, Żabka Polska.

The two-day weekend sessions took place on Saturdays from 10:30 AM to 6:30 PM, ending with an evening discussion with an invited guest or a networking integration meeting, and on Sundays from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM.

The sessions were conducted in five themed tracks: leadership, strategy and security, business and economy, international relations, and managing new technologies. Throughout the entire program edition, our guests included international experts specializing in issues related to China, Russia, USA, Ukraine, and Germany in the context of geopolitics. There were specialists in cybersecurity, infosphere, and AI. Presidents and owners of companies and institutions, experts, trainers, politicians, or former politicians.”

Wykładowcami VIII Edycji Szkoły Przywództwa byli:

  1. Andrew Michta

    Dyrektor Scowcraft Strategy Initiative w Atlantic Council of The United States, Senior Fellow w Atlantic Council.

  2. Anna Maria Dyner

    Analityczka Polskiego Instytutu Spraw Międzynarodowych, specjalizuje się w polityce bezpieczeństwa i Białorusi.

  3. gen. Rajmund Andrzejczak

    Generał Wojska Polskiego, były Szef Sztabu Generalnego Wojska Polskiego.

  4. Jadwiga Emilewicz

    Polityk, politolog i menedżer kultury. Była Minister Rozwoju.

  5. Katarzyna Wierzbowska

    Współtwórczyni kobiecej sieci Anielic Biznesu i Funduszu Venture Capital Black Swan. Fundatorka w Fundacji K.I.D.S. Klub Innowatorów Dziecięcych Szpitali.

  6. Paweł Przewięźlikowski

    Współzałożyciel i Prezes Zarządu firmy biotechnologicznej Ryvu Therapeutics.

  7. Tomasz Siemoniak

    Polityk i ekonomista. Były Minister Obrony Narodowej.

  8. Zbigniew Jagiełło

    Członek Rady nadzorczej Asseco. Wieloletni były Prezes PKO Banku Polskiego.

Partnerami VIII edycji Szkoły
Przywództwa byli:

Opinie absolwentów

  • Natalia, 8th edition Leadership School, 8th edition

  • Adam, 8th edition Leadership School, 8th edition

  • Marta, 8th edition Leadership School, 8th edition

  • Aleksandra, 8th edition Leadership School, 8th edition

  • Paweł, 8th edition Leadership School, 8th edition